Co-founder and long-suffering husband of Emilie, Andrew took 4-weeks off work to help her set up Signature Career Management; he’s too afraid to point out that this agreement expired over 4 years ago. Having spent 9 years in a previous life working as a bailiff which he described as… ‘a glorified sales job with the caveat that most of your customers want to hurt you’…his customer service style is somewhat primitive and as such he is rarely let out from behind his desk or even allowed to answer the phone. When asked to describe his role in the business, he often pauses then proclaims, ‘everything that’s involved in running a successful recruitment company other than actually recruiting.’
What Nathan says about him:
I don’t see much of Andrew because he hides in the corner of the office behind his ‘big screen’, and I’ve heard Emilie prefers it that way. For the first few weeks, I thought there were two of them behind there because everyone kept referring to ‘Greg’, however, I’ve been assured they are one in the same person. When he does pop his head out, he’s friendlier than he looks, however, I’ve been told that I shouldn’t say this as it’s a bit of a backhanded compliment?